Best eCommerce premium WordPress theme download
=== Best eCommerce ===
Contributors: dithemes
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 4.9.8
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
== Description == (alert-success)
Best eCommerce is Responsive, SEO Friendly, Fully Customizable and WooCommerce Ready WordPress Theme.
== Installation == (alert-success)
1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the 'Add New' button.
2. Type in 'Best eCommerce' in the search form and press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard.
3. Click on 'Install' and then 'Activate' button to use your new theme right away.
4. Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize the taste.