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How can use ad Word Analyst tool
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Installation Steps
3. Getting The XML File From Google
4. Using Ad Word Analyst
Ad Word Analyst can help you quickly and easily analyze all of your AdWords campaigns. Know at-a-glance if your campaigns are making money or costing you a small fortune in losses! Please follow the instructions for installation and usage.
Installing Ad Word Analyst is very simple. Download the executable file to a location that you will easily remember. Double click the program to begin the installation process. Then follow the prompts to complete the install.
To analyze all of your AdWords data you will need to first run a report to extract the data from your Google account. To do so,
please follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Adwords account and click on the "Reports" tab.
2. Click "Create Report".
3. Change "Report Type" to "Ad Performance".
4. Change "View (Unit of Time)" to "Daily".
5. Choose your date range for "Date Range".
6. Click " Add or Remove Columns".
7. Select all of the available columns.
8. Click "Create Report".
9. Wait for Google to create your report.
10. To "Download Report" click ".xml" and save to your PC.
To begin using Ad Word Analyst open the program and select File > Import Report. In this top menu you can easily Print, Open a database, Export and other general functions.
There are also buttons for some of the functions at the top of your screen. Browse to the location where you saved your generated Google XML report and click Open.
On the left hand menu your campaigns will then appear under Ad Word Analyst You can then select and individual campaign or select Ad Word Analyst to choose all of them.
You can display your data by any specific date range. You can use the Date Range drop down to select typical ranges. Once you have selected a date range the Campaign Summary will automatically populate a variety of data.
You can also sort by Budget, Clicks, Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversions, Cost Per Conversion, Impressions, Max CPC and Position. Your graphs will look similar to this.
Note: You will not be able to get Conversion data unless you are using the Conversion Tracking tool in your Google AdWords account. If you are selling your own products, then I highly suggest using the Conversion Tracking feature. You can use Ad Word Analyst for any number of campaigns to analyze the performance of your Google AdWord Campaigns.
I hope you enjoy Ad
Word Analyst.